Appendix B

HTML Quick Reference Guide

by John Jung


HTML is made up of a lot of different elements. Each element behaves differently from all the other HTML tags. Some of them are so straightforward that you only need to invoke them and they'll be used. Others require beginning and ending markers for the element's behavior to be applied to the enclosed text.

For those tags that do have attributes, most of them are optional. To use a specific attribute, you must include the attribute name, the equal sign (=), and the value to set it to. Invalid values are automatically ignored by most Web browsers. The assignment of attributes is done inside the starting marker of the particular HTML element that you want to use.

Every HTML document must be enclosed within the <HTML> starting marker and the </HTML> ending marker. Between these two markers is the actual Web page. The content of a particular HTML document is made up of head and body portions. The information for the head portion is enclosed within the <HEAD> and </HEAD> markers. The information for the body portion is enclosed within the <BODY> and </BODY> markers.

The following list is not intended to be a complete list of every HTML tag and its attributes (see Appendix A, "HTML Tags"). This is meant as a list of commonly used elements and their commonly used attributes.

Elements in the HEAD

Elements in the BODY

The majority of tags are specified in within the BODY elements. Typically, anything contained inside the start and end markers will be displayed. The following sets of related elements are all available:

Text Elements

This group of tags is used to apply general attributes to a group of text. Typically, these elements are word wrapped by the browser.

Hypertext Links

Hyperlinks are the underlying component of the Web.


Header elements are used to provide a consistent look for your document. There are no commonly used attributes for these elements.

Logical Text

Logical style elements define attributes for a group of text. The text is automatically word wrapped by the browser.

Physical Styles

This group of HTML elements is used to affect the visual display of text. There are no commonly used attributes for these elements.

Definition List

This list type allows you to present a dictionary-type presentation of a definition. The left-hand side has the word, <DD>, and the right-hand side has the definition, <DT>.

Unordered (Bulleted) List

You can create a list with a bullet in front of each item.

Ordered (Numbered) List

You can create a list with a number in front of each item. The number is automatically added.

Directory List

You can create a list so that items appear to be a list of files from a directory.


Graphics can be inserted into your home page very easily.

Miscellaneous Tags

There are several unclassifiable, commonly used HTML tags.