lclint-interest message 60

From evs Fri Mar 22 16:07:32 1996
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 96 15:54:08 -0500
From: evs (David Evans)
In-Reply-To: "Albert L. Ting"'s message of Wed, 20 Mar 1996 16:09:21 -0800 (PST) <>
Subject: garbage collection checks?

This sounds like an interesting application but it is a bit beyond what
is possible with lclint currently.  What is really needed is some way of
describing your own constraints and getting associated checking --- I
believe this would be a very useful direction for future work in this

There are a couple of "tricks" you could use to get some help from
lclint, though.

One idea is to use a bogus global variable to represent different
aspects of the state of the garbage collector.  For example, we could
use a "gclock" variable to represent whether or not the garbage
collector is locked.  (I realize, what you really need is a way of
locking it for a particular variable.  One can imagine having separate
locks for each variable, but this is probably not realistic.)  Then we
declare functions that set the lock to define gclock, and functions that
release the lock to undefine ("kill") gclock. 

Here is the declaration of the dummy variable:

typedef void *DUMMYVAR;
/*@unused@*/ /*@checkedstrict@*/ DUMMYVAR gclock;

Note that we have used "checkedstrict" to indicate that the use and
modification of gclock should be checked strictly --- hence, an error is
reported anywhere it is used unless it is explicitly specified.  

Now, the declarations of lock and unlock:

void lock (void) /*@globals undef gclock@*/ /*@modifies gclock@*/ ;
void unlock (void) /*@globals killed gclock@*/ /*@modifies gclock@*/ ;

So for lock, we have gclock as an undef global variable.  This means it
is undefined before the call, and defined after.  For unlock, it is
killed --- defined before the call, undefined after.

To declare a function that needs the lock, we just need to list it in
the globals clause:

int funcneedslock (void) /*@globals gclock@*/ ;

Now, consider the function:

int func (void) 
  return (funcneedslock ());

Checking reports:

  gc.c: (in function func)
  gc.c:20,11: Called procedure funcneedslock may access global gclock

Because of the checkedstrict annotation on gclock, we need to add it to
the declaration of func:

int func (void) /*@globals gclock@*/
  return (funcneedslock ());

But, this means gclock must be defined before the call (i.e., the lock
is set).

Another approach would be to declare functions to not have the lock when
they are called and to release it before they return.  This is expressed

# define LOCK /*@globals undef killed gclock@*/

Now if we forget to release the lock:

int funcbad (void) LOCK
  lock ();
  return (func ());

a failure to release sotrage message is reported:

  gc.c:27,2: Killed global gclock not released before return

This certainly isn't a very elegant way to deal with this problem, but
it does make it possible to check certain things in an indirect way by
taking advantage of use-before-definition and must relese checking.

We could do a similar thing to find places where state is modifies and
read in an undefined way.  (We would need to add a dummy function that
uses this global state when a variable is passed to a function, though,

	DATAPTR readvar (DATAPTR c) /*@globals gcstate@*/ ;
	# define readvar(c) (c)


	func2 (readvar (c), func1 (readvar (a), readvar (b)));

--- Dave

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