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Outlining the Document

GNU Emacs earlier than version 19.19 does not have a useful outline mode. If you want to use outlines with old versions of emacs, please get the file `outln-18.el' from `ftp.iesd.auc.dk:/pub/emacs-lisp/outln-18.el'. It is a port of the Emacs 19.19 outline mode to Emacs 18 and Lucid Emacs.

AUC TeX supports the standard outline minor mode using LaTeX sectioning commands as header lines. See section 'Outline Mode' in GNU Emacs Manual. By default outline-minor-mode will use the prefix key C-c which is also used by AUC TeX, so it is suggested that you choose another prefix key by inserting

  (setq outline-minor-mode-prefix "\C-c\C-o") ; Or whatever...

in your `.emacs' file.

You can add your own headings by setting the variable TeX-outline-extra.

Variable: TeX-outline-extra

List of extra TeX outline levels.

Each element is a list with two entries. The first entry is the regular expression matching a header, and the second is the level of the header. A `^' is automatically prepended to the regular expressions in the list, so they must match text at the beginning of the line.

See LaTeX-section-list for existing header levels.

The following example add `\item' and `\bibliography' headers, with `\bibliography' at the same outline level as `\section', and `\item' being below `\subparagraph'.

(setq TeX-outline-extra
      '(("[ \t]*\\\\\\(bib\\)?item\\b" 7)
        ("\\\\bibliography\\b" 2)))

You may want to check out the unbundled `out-xtra' package for even better outline support. It is available from your favorite emacs lisp archive.

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