The Command Line Options

There are a number of command line options to the elm program, with only one that needs to be remembered:
  • ``-?''or ``-h'' for help.
  • The flags are:


    Arrow. This allows you to have the ``-> '' arrow pointer rather than the inverse bar. This can also be set in the .elm/elmrc file (check the boolean variable arrow).


    Check only. This is useful for expanding aliases without sending any mail. The invocation is similar to invoking elm in send-only mode: elm -c list-of-aliases


    Set debug level to n. Useful for debugging the elm program, this option will create a file in your home directory called, then output a running log of what is going on with the program. Level n can be 1 through 11, where the higher numbers generate more output. This option might be disabled by the the person who configured elm for your system.


    Folder. Read specified folder rather than the default incoming mailbox. Note that you can use the same meta-characters (e.g. `=') as when you change folders from within the program. You can also use the same abbreviatory symbols (`!', `> ' and `< '), but remember to ``single quote'' them in case they have special meaning in the shell you use.


    Help. Gives a short list of all these options and exits.


    Keypad. This option, when used, lets the elm program know that you're on an HP terminal, and it can then interpret the < PREV> , < NEXT> and < HOME> /< SHIFT> -< HOME> keys accordingly. If you are not on an HP terminal, it is recommended that you do NOT use this option. (See the keypad option in the .elm/elmrc section.)


    Keypad + softkeys. The elm mailer can use the HP softkeys as an alternative form of input. If you specify this option be sure that you're on an HP terminal that can accept the standard 2622 terminal escape sequences! (See the softkeys option in the .elm/elmrc section for more information.)


    Inhibit display of the 3-line menu when using the mailer. This, of course, gives you three more message headers per page instead. (See also the menu option in the .elm/elmrc section.)


    In send-only and batch mode, this is how to indicate the subject of the resulting message. Please see the section on ``Non-Interactive Uses of Elm'' in The Elm Users Guide for more information.


    Zero. This causes the mailer not to be started if you don't have any mail. This emulates the behaviour of programs like Berkeley Mail.

    All the above flags default to reasonable options, so there is usually no need to use them. Furthermore, the most used flags are available through the .elm/elmrc file