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ASCII 6/12 from NOS

This charset is available in recode under the name cdcnos.

This is one of the charset in use on CDC Cyber NOS systems to represent ASCII, sometimes named NOS 6/12 code for coding ASCII. This code is also known as caret ASCII. It is based on a six bits character set in which small letters and control characters are coded using a ^ escape and, sometimes, a @ escape.

The routines given here presume that the six bits code is already expressed in ASCII by the communication channel, with embedded ASCII ^ and @ escapes.

Here is a table showing which characters are being used to encode each ASCII character.

000  ^5  020  ^#  040     060  0  100 @A  120  P  140  @G  160  ^P
001  ^6  021  ^[  041  !  061  1  101  A  121  Q  141  ^A  161  ^Q
002  ^7  022  ^]  042  "  062  2  102  B  122  R  142  ^B  162  ^R
003  ^8  023  ^%  043  #  063  3  103  C  123  S  143  ^C  163  ^S
004  ^9  024  ^"  044  $  064  4  104  D  124  T  144  ^D  164  ^T
005  ^+  025  ^_  045  %  065  5  105  E  125  U  145  ^E  165  ^U
006  ^-  026  ^!  046  &  066  6  106  F  126  V  146  ^F  166  ^V
007  ^*  027  ^&  047  '  067  7  107  G  127  W  147  ^G  167  ^W
010  ^/  030  ^'  050  (  070  8  110  H  130  X  150  ^H  170  ^X
011  ^(  031  ^?  051  )  071  9  111  I  131  Y  151  ^I  171  ^Y
012  ^)  032  ^<  052  *  072 @D  112  J  132  Z  152  ^J  172  ^Z
013  ^$  033  ^>  053  +  073  ;  113  K  133  [  153  ^K  173  ^0
014  ^=  034  ^@  054  ,  074  <  114  L  134  \  154  ^L  174  ^1
015  ^   035  ^\  055  -  075  =  115  M  135  ]  155  ^M  175  ^2
016  ^,  036  ^^  056  .  076  >  116  N  136 @B  156  ^N  176  ^3
017  ^.  037  ^;  057  /  077  ?  117  O  137  _  157  ^O  177  ^4

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